Upper eyelid surgery, also known as upper blepharoplasty, is a common surgical procedure that restores your facial youthfulness and beauty. As we grow older, the breakdown of our skin’s collagen reserves leads to the loss of elasticity, wrinkles, and sagging skin tissues. The skin on the upper eyelids may become puffy and obscure your vision. Dr. Nadeau performs upper eyelid surgery to make your upper eyelids look smooth and youthful and erase the signs of aging.
What is Upper Eyelid Surgery?
Upper eyelid surgery is a cosmetic procedure wherein unwanted fat, and skin tissues are removed from the upper eyelid region. This is done to reverse the effects of age, such as drooping upper lids that make you look tired and obscure your vision. The procedure involves making an inconspicuous incision on the upper eye creases to remove unwanted fat and skin tissues. As such, no one can tell that you’ve had surgery, and the incision marks remain hidden.

Issues Addressed by Upper Eyelid Surgery…
- Sagging upper eyelids
- Eyelid ptosis, i.e., drooping eyelids
- Wrinkles around the eyes
- Hooded eyelids
How is Upper Eyelid Surgery Performed?
Dr. Nadeau performs the upper eyelid surgery under local or general anesthesia to ensure complete comfort. The surgeon carefully examines your facial skin, eyelids and curates the ideal treatment plan. She marks the regions around the upper eyelids where she would make the incisions. The incisions are inconspicuously made on the creases of the upper eyelids, so they’re not visible externally. After making the incisions, the surgeon removes the unwanted fat and skin tissues, and the underlying muscles are tightened. Finally, the surgeon sutures the incisions with absorbable stitches.
The Benefits of Upper Eyelid Surgery
- Remove unwanted fat tissues from the eyelids
- Remove sagging or wrinkled skin tissues
- Restore optimal vision by removing drooping skin
- Scars are completely hidden within the eyelid creases
- Restore facial youthfulness

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